Thursday, January 20, 2011

SNIPPET: Rabbit/Sharing/Teamwork and MLK

Today we discussed "sharing and teamwork" after reading about Rabbit not wanting to share his veggies with his Hundred Acre friends. It was time for his garden to be harvested and he wanted to keep it all to himself. A cold front blew in and soon Owl and Eeyore gathered everyone together and told them Rabbit's garden was in danger. Meanwhile Rabbit stood freezing in his garden and realized he was going to loose all of his beautiful vegetables. Soon his friends arrived with the things he needed to help him save his crop. Rabbit knew that his friends shared their time and energy to help him save his beautiful vegetables. After all the vegetables were safe Rabbit felt so grateful he offered to share ALL his vegetables and he even gave some honey to Winnie the Pooh.

Anna is finishing up the WR: Martin Luther King Jr so that will be coming home today!

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