Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shapes / Cutting / Sadie and the Snowman

Today we talked / read about shapes, worked on our cutting skills, and read about Sadie and her many snowmen. Each time she would make one it would melt and she would get sad but she soon realized it would snow again and she could make a new one. When spring came she saved her last "mini" snowman in a bowl and froze it. The next winter she used it to start her new snowman. Also, each time she made her snowman thier faces would be made out of different things and each time...some birds would eat the "eyes" , a squirrel would eat the "nose", and a very large racoon would eat the "smile". This was one of Anna's favorites when she was little and I still love reading it....cute cute story. Sadie and the Snowman by Allen Morgan

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