Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Shape Finder / Recycling

Today we discussed SHAPES and made an awesome telescope which we named "shape finder"! We took turns finding shapes in the classroom.......they loved this game! We made our shape finder out of recycled paper towel tubes!

Today we read a cute little book called: Little Helpers it is from a series called "Green Start" (I think)...."Good for your child...Good for the World" is thier slogan...and it is made out of 98% recycled it as today is "RECYCLE DAY"! Unfortunately, my recycling company is now picking up at 7AM so we will not be taking it up the hill! But when the weather warms up we may go up and get the empty containers (which we never used to do). Back to the is adorable, very simple but thought provoking you should check them out.

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