Friday, May 21, 2010

USDA - Child and Adult Care Food Program

We had a visit today from Quality Care for Children. They monitor my participation in this program for the USDA. With federal funding being questioned they are starting to come down really hard on everyone - everywhere! Because of this I am now required to start keeping a In/Out Sheet with times EVERYDAY. So starting Monday there will be a sheet on the counter for the time and your signature (iniatials NOT ALLOWED). For those of you that drop off upstairs in the mornings I will write in your times and you will need to sign that as well as for pick-up. Please help me keep this maintained. I could loose the opportunity to be apart of this program and it is a big help to me in paying for high quality foods :-). Every little bit helps right!! Also, they will be making household contacts sometime in the next couple of weeks. If your child was not here today please make a mental note because they are going to ask if your child was in attendance on May 21, 2010. The reason they are calling is because I typically have 6-8 kids here and today I only had 5. I know some of you are part time BUT in order to be paid on the days that your child is here I've notated your days as "Days/Times Vary".....the easiet thing to say to them schedule varies but they are typically there for all meals when they are at Angie's. Another thing that looked bad was the fact that they are comparing this week against the week of Spring Break which is when I had Caden and Madi here as well! Eventhough I do not charge for my family members I am allowed to claim meals on them as long as I have the proper paper work on file which I do......... Also, I am suppose to have my menu plan posted in the classroom which I keep on the REF.......of course I just took it down yesterday to make some changes. Sometimes it seems like too much of a hassle to be involved but bottom line it is for good healthy nutrition for our I'll get my act together ha ha and do better. If you have any questions and/or concerns just ask.........THANKS EVERYONE ......have a great weekend.

P.S. They given me some stuff to send home and I'll be doing that sometime next week so be on the look-out and please always ask if you have any questions.

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