Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tigers Roar!

We have finished our weekly reader and classwork. Please take the time to review this work and booklet with your child tonight if possible. We made special reading sticks and used them everyday to read our books! We had a lot of fun talking about tigers and learning about their environments.

Facts we discovered:
(1)Each tigers stripe are unique just like our fingerprints! (2)The majority of tigers live in Asia. (3) A tiger is in the cat family (4) It is one of the only cats that LIKE water!

Books we read:
(1) Make Friends, Zachery (2) Mama Tiger, Baba Tiger, (3) Little Louie the Baby Bloomer (everyone's favorite book), (4)Tigger Tales, (5) Tiger Trouble, (6) Tiger Can't Sleep, and (7)Augustus & his smile.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angie, We did sit down to read about tigers and it is so wonderful to watch Brady read his book to us with confidence. I love the pointer - how clever! Thank you!
