Monday, July 11, 2011

Seed to Plant

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Well it has been 37 days and we have our first plant passing us in height!! We planted our seeds the 2nd week of summer vacation. After two weeks of watching them grow we decided it was time to move them into a more permanent home. Each child has been watering and caring for their very own plant. Today Addison's passed her in height!! We are so excited. We have been charting thier measurements each week. We are amazed.... they have doubled in size from last Monday's measurements!!! We will be on vacation next week and will be hoping for some rain showers while we are away. I cannot wait for the day we see a little sunflower "head" pop out.
What a great and exciting experiment this has been for all of us. Please take some time to check your child's plant out the next time you are here.

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