Thursday, March 10, 2011

TRAINING: Get Moving and Feel Great

My training class this month was focused on our children moving! Georgia is in the middle of a SERIOUS HEALTH CRISIS. 33% of middle school students, 26% of high school students, and 61% of adults in Georgia are overweight OR run the risk of being overweight. This is steadily increasing!! Type 2 diabetes is running rampant and heart disease is the #1 killer in America.

Check out this 33 second video:
Childhood Obesity PSA

Fit Kids KEEP Moving...let's do our part and encourage movement and exploration by providing a healthy diet that gives them ENERGY. Introduce a variety of physical activities (outdoors if possible) that speak to them! BE A POSITIVE ROLE MODEL....children learn BY what they see much more than what they hear. Limit TV/Electronics. And last but not least....keep it simple and fun so they want more!!

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