Friday, October 22, 2010

Rainbow Room...completed

Finally!! There is always some thing left to do.... I just need to get the second coat of paint on the floor. This project took me a lot longer than I anticipated. As I was moving through it I would think.......ohhhhhh I should go ahead and take care of this while everything is torn apart. Unfortunately, I had a lot of those little things pop up. As I near the end I am very happy with the "rainbow room" concept. I really have wanted to do this for a long time but knew it was going to be a lot of work. I got in my head I wanted to FILL all of the wood cracks where I had a 2x4 up against another, etc... I wanted it to look like "1" post (I spoiled myself after getting the ones for the front of the house). I laugh now because it doesn't look that much different but I know what's behind it. I repainted/re-trimmed the chalkboards, added my "information/inspiration" board at the exit door, and hung our beloved thermometer beside it! Just so you know......the blue represents the beautiful "Carolina" blue sky, white is the clouds, and of course the rafters make the rainbow. The kids love it. Today when we were outside finishing our "fall color" book and enjoying the beautiful blue sky day....I mentioned we can always have a beautiful blue sky day with our new rainbow room

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