Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WR Sunny Day

 We are sending home our latest Weekly Reader today!  We have learned so much about the sun. Not only did we discuss the sun......we sang songs and built a sun too!!  We used our cutting (and tearing)  and gluing skills to create our beautiful suns!   Next we will be talking about dophins, the color blue, and the letter "D".   If you have a book at home which relates to dolphins or the ocean....send it in.....we'd love to read it.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Helper's in the house...

We started our "helper" jobs today! Exciting stuff...  
  • Toy Helper - Waverly and Jack
  • Book Helper - Reaghan and Kolbi
  • Teacher's Helper - Charlie
  • Light/Fire Alarm Tester - AJ (everyones favorite)
  • Weekly Reader Helper - Lucy
Make sure to check your childs clip each week to see their new responsibility!!